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nvim: add ftdetect and syntax files for hcl
Prithu Goswami
Sat, 12 Nov 2022 21:53:20 +0530




2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

jump to
A config/nvim/ftdetect/hcl.vim

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

+autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.hcl set filetype=hcl + +" Nomad +autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.nomad set filetype=hcl + +" Terraform +autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tf set filetype=hcl +autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tfvars set filetype=hcl
A config/nvim/syntax/hcl.vim

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@

+" Vim syntax file +" Language: HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) +" Maintainer: Jussi Virtanen +" Repository: +" License: Vim + +if exists('b:current_syntax') + finish +end + +syn match hclVariable /\<[A-Za-z0-9_.\[\]*]\+\>/ + +syn match hclParenthesis /(/ +syn match hclFunction /\w\+(/ contains=hclParenthesis + +syn keyword hclKeyword for in if + +syn region hclString start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=hclEscape,hclInterpolation +syn region hclString start=/<<-\?\z([A-Z]\+\)/ end=/^\s*\z1/ contains=hclEscape,hclInterpolation + +syn match hclEscape /\\n/ +syn match hclEscape /\\r/ +syn match hclEscape /\\t/ +syn match hclEscape /\\"/ +syn match hclEscape /\\\\/ +syn match hclEscape /\\u\x\{4\}/ +syn match hclEscape /\\u\x\{8\}/ + +syn match hclNumber /\<\d\+\%([eE][+-]\?\d\+\)\?\>/ +syn match hclNumber /\<\d*\.\d\+\%([eE][+-]\?\d\+\)\?\>/ +syn match hclNumber /\<0[xX]\x\+\>/ + +syn keyword hclConstant true false null + +syn region hclInterpolation start=/\${/ end=/}/ contained contains=hclInterpolation + +syn region hclComment start=/\/\// end=/$/ contains=hclTodo +syn region hclComment start=/\#/ end=/$/ contains=hclTodo +syn region hclComment start=/\/\*/ end=/\*\// contains=hclTodo + +syn match hclAttributeName /\w\+/ contained +syn match hclAttribute /^[^=]\+=/ contains=hclAttributeName,hclComment,hclString + +syn match hclBlockName /\w\+/ contained +syn match hclBlock /^[^=]\+{/ contains=hclBlockName,hclComment,hclString + +syn keyword hclTodo TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE contained + +hi def link hclVariable PreProc +hi def link hclFunction Function +hi def link hclKeyword Keyword +hi def link hclString String +hi def link hclEscape Special +hi def link hclNumber Number +hi def link hclConstant Constant +hi def link hclInterpolation PreProc +hi def link hclComment Comment +hi def link hclTodo Todo +hi def link hclBlockName Structure + +let b:current_syntax = 'hcl'