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linux dotfiles

Update notes_scrot, i3config and vimrc

- notes_scrot was using $path variable, changed it to n_path
- vimrc - Adds latex compile command using pdflatex
- i3config - some cleaning
Wed, 01 May 2019 17:18:21 +0530




3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

jump to
M .vimrc.vimrc

@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@

" compiling for different file types " autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap cp :w<Enter>:!pandoc -f gfm -V geometry=margin=0.75in --resource-path="expand('%:p:h')/img" -V links-as-notes -o %.pdf %<Enter><Enter> autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap cp :w<Enter>:!pandoc -f markdown -V geometry=margin=0.75in -V papersize=A4 -o pdf/%.pdf %<Enter><Enter> +autocmd FileType tex nnoremap cp :w<Enter>:!pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode % 1&>/dev/null<Enter><Enter> autocmd FileType html setlocal ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 " autocmd FileType c nnoremap cp :w<Enter>:!clear && gcc % && ./a.out<Enter> autocmd BufRead *.pdentry :Goyo

@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ " QuickFix Navigation

nnoremap cn :cn<CR> nnoremap cN :cN<CR> -colorscheme hybrid_reverse +" colorscheme hybrid_reverse set background=dark set backspace=indent,eol,start
M bin/scripts/notes_scrotbin/scripts/notes_scrot

@@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ # and compile them using pandoc. Useful to take screenshots of diagrams

# from book that I am reading. #nip - Notes images paths for notes in ~/Documents/notes -paths=$(cat /home/prithu/.config/nip) - -path=$(echo $paths | dmenu -l 15) -[[ -z $path ]] && exit 0 +[[ -e $HOME/.config/nip ]] || exit 0 +n_path=$(cat $HOME/.config/nip | dmenu -l 15) +[[ -z $n_path ]] && exit 0 img_name=$(echo -n '' | dmenu -p "image name") [[ -z $img_name ]] && exit 0 -scrot -s "$path/$img_name.png" && notify-send "saved $path/$img_name.png" +scrot -s "$n_path/$img_name.png" && notify-send "saved $n_path/$img_name.png"
M i3/configi3/config

@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ bindsym $mod+p exec urxvt -e "pd" && i3-msg fullscreen

# window swticher using rofi bindsym $mod+v exec --no-startup-id "rofi -show window -width 70" #bindsym $mod+Shift+u exec mpv "$(xsel -b)" -bindsym $mod+slash exec --no-startup-id st -e zsh -c 'rifle "$(fzf)"' +bindsym $mod+slash exec --no-startup-id st -e zsh -c 'rifle "$(fzf --reverse)"' #}}}

@@ -511,23 +511,12 @@ separator #222222

background #000000a0 # background $base00 statusline $base05 - focused_workspace #CCCCCC #CCCCCC #222222 - active_workspace $base02 $base02 $base07 - inactive_workspace #444444 #444444 $base06 - urgent_workspace $base08 $base08 $base07 +# border, backgr, text + focused_workspace #CCCCCC #CCCCCC #222222 + active_workspace #333333 #333333 $eeeeee + inactive_workspace #000000 #000000 $eeeeee + urgent_workspace $base08 $base08 $base07 } - # colors { - # background $brown_darker - # statusline #F9FAF9 - # separator #454947 - -# border, backgr, text - # focused_workspace $brown_gold $brown_gold $arc_white - # active_workspace #595B5B #353836 #FDF6E3 - # inactive_workspace $brown_darker $brown_darker $arc_white - # binding_mode $arc_blue $arc_dark_blue $arc_white - # urgent_workspace $arc_red $arc_red $arc_white - # } } # hide/unhide i3bar