all repos — moviedb @ 5e82b1b6e63b51d448914dbe5872b5d255b1b594

A Flask web-app to browse movie information from IMDb using imdbpy


{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block title %}{{ movie['long title'] }}{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="mycontainer">
    <div id="movieinfo" class="movieinfo {% if isfavorite %}fav-bg{% endif %}">
    {% if movie['cover'] %}
    <img class="poster" src="{{ movie['cover'] }}">
    {% endif %}
    <div class="infotext">
      <div class="infotext-head">
        <h1 class="movie-title">{{ movie['long title']}}</h1>
        <i id="heart" class="{% if isfavorite %}material-icons md-fav
               {% else %}disapear{% endif %}">favorite</i>
      {% if movie['rating'] %}
      <div class="rating">
        <i class="material-icons gold"> star </i>
        <p class="rating-no">{{ movie['rating'] }}</p>
      {% endif %}
      <p class="genres">{{ movie['genres'] }} </p>
      <p class="runtime">{{ movie['runtime'] }}</p>
      <p class="plot"> {{ movie['plot'] }} </p>
      <p class="director">Director: {{ movie['director'] }}</p>
      <p class="writer">Writer: {{ movie['writer'] }}</p>
      {% if isfavorite %}
      <button id="favButton" type=submit class="fav" name="remove" value="{{ movie['id'] }}">
        <i class="material-icons md-fav">cancel</i>
        <p class="fav-text">remove from favorites</p>
      {% elif not isfavorite and session.get('user', None) %}
      <button id="favButton" type=submit class="fav" name="add" value="{{ movie['id'] }}">
        <i class="material-icons md-fav">favorite</i>
        <p class="fav-text">add to favorites</p>
      {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{% block script %}

(function() {
    var httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var formdata = new FormData();

    var favButton = document.getElementById("favButton");
    var tconst = favButton.getAttribute("value");
    var bg = document.getElementById("movieinfo");
    var heart = document.getElementById("heart");

    favButton.addEventListener('click', handleReq);

    function handleReq() {
        var action = favButton.getAttribute("name");
        httpReq.onreadystatechange = notify;
        //'POST', 'http://localhost:5000/fav');'POST', '');
        formdata.append('tconst', tconst);
        if (action == "remove"){
            formdata.append('remove', 1);

    function notify() {
        if (httpReq.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
            var response = JSON.parse(httpReq.responseText);
            if (response.status == "success"){
                if (response.actiontype == "add"){
                    favButton.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "cancel";
                    favButton.lastElementChild.innerHTML = "remove from favorites";
                    favButton.setAttribute("name", "remove");
                    bg.className="movieinfo fav-bg";
                    heart.className="material-icons md-fav"
                else if (response.actiontype == "remove"){
                    favButton.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "favorite";
                    favButton.lastElementChild.innerHTML = "add to favorites";
                    favButton.setAttribute("name", "add");
                    heart.className="disapear "

{% endblock %}