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aparokshanubhuti: add notes for verse 27
Prithu Goswami
Fri, 17 Jan 2020 23:45:43 +0530




1 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

jump to
M vedanta/aparokshanubhuti/aparokshanubhuti.texvedanta/aparokshanubhuti/aparokshanubhuti.tex

@@ -1494,4 +1494,30 @@

\textbf{27. I am without any attribute or activity, I am eternal, ever free and imperishable. I am not, etc.} +\begin{oframed} + + We assign attributes to objects in the world, but pure consciousness + doesn't have any attributes. The Real you has no attributes or properties - + it's only the body that has attributes. So when you say, `I am skinny', + that isn't your attribute, it's your body's attributes. + \texthindi{निष्क्रियो} + means that Consciousness has no activity. We get to know things or + experience things when the light of Consciousness shines forth and + illumines our awareness and that consciousness has no activity - it's just + there. Swamiji often says this - \textbf{``We think of ourselves as human + beings trying to have a spiritual experience but the truth is, we are + spiritual beings having a human experience''}. Swamiji says that when + enlightenment happens we realise that we are free and that we always + will be free and also that we where always free - it's not that there + has to be some spiritual experience in order for us to be free. In that + sense we are always free + (\texthindi{नित्यमुक्तः}) + \texthindi{अच्युतः} + - According to Swamiji it means unchanging. All change is in Maya and + Brahman is free from all such changes. + + + + +\end{oframed} \end{document}