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aparokshanubhuti: add verse 26 notes
Prithu Goswami
Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:46:53 +0530




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@@ -1408,4 +1408,57 @@ and the object, the knower and the known, not even the thought of the Self and

the not-Self, is possible, as all thought implies duality whereas the Âtman is non-dual.} +\begin{oframed} + + \texthindi{निराभासः} is an important and meaning-packed word. The mind has a + special quality where it can reflect consciousness. Whatever whe think of + in the mind or whatever appears in the mind is illumined by the reflected + consciousness. The analogy here is - the Pure Consciousness is like the sun + and the mind is like a polished mirror and we can direct the sunlight using + the mirror whereever we like. That's the quality of the mind. It can + redirect the light of the consciousness wherever it likes. The + consciousness we all experience, the feeling of being aware is the + reflected consiousness. + + Whatever we hear, see, taste, etc creates waves in our minds called + \texthindi{वृित्ति} + . To know something we need the reflected consiousness and + \texthindi{वृित्ति} + . With the absence of either, we cannot have knowledge about anything. When we + see a table, the image of a table is created in our minds, that is + \texthindi{वृित्ति} + and we come to know about the table because of our reflected consciousness + - now we have the knowledge of the table. + Arrising of the + \texthindi{वृित्ति} + is called + \texthindi{विृत्तिव्याप्ति} + . Illumination of the + \texthindi{वृित्ति} + by the reflected consciousness is called + \texthindi{फलव्याप्ति} + . Continuing with our analog of the mirror and the sun - we know that to + know something we focus the beam of sunlight onto the object we would like + to know about. Now what if we want to know the sun? Do we point the + reflected beam onto the sun? That sounds so foolish. That's the problem + with knowing Brahman as well. Brahman is the source of consciousness, tiny + bit of which we reflect onto this world with our little minds. + So what do we do to know 'the sun'? - we just look at it. Just like a + little reflected beam pointed back at the sun in order to see the sun + doesn't make any sense, in the same way our minds do not require focus + upon Brahman in order to know Brahman. This just means that to know + Brahman is no ordinary Knowledge. To sum up - we do need + \texthindi{वृित्ति} + but not + \texthindi{फलव्याप्ति} + to know Brahman. The mind has to think about god but we do not require that + reflected consciousness. This is what is meant by + \texthindi{निराभासः} + - without reflection. + To have the + \texthindi{वृित्ति} + of Brahman we need to focus on it - look within, using spiritual practices. + +\end{oframed} + \end{document}