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use highlight shortcode for new post
Prithu Goswami
Wed, 13 May 2020 14:41:45 +0530




1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

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M hugo-site/content/posts/unix-pipeline/index.mdhugo-site/content/posts/unix-pipeline/

@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ can pass the `--format=<format>` option to it and mention what format we want

the commits to be displayed in. `--format='%an'` just prints the author's name for each commit. -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ git log --format='%an' Alice

@@ -56,10 +56,11 @@ Denise

Alice Alice Alice -``` +{{< /highlight >}} + Now we can use the `sort` utility to sort them alphabetically. -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ git log --format='%an' | sort Alice

@@ -71,18 +72,19 @@ Candice

Denise Denise Denise -``` +{{< /highlight >}} Next we use `uniq` -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ git log --format='%an' | sort | uniq -c 4 Alice 1 Bob 1 Candice 3 Denise -``` +{{< /highlight >}} + According to `uniq`'s man page: > **uniq** - report or omit repeated lines

@@ -98,14 +100,14 @@ You can see the output is still sorted alphabetically. So now all that is

remaining is sort it numerically. There's a flag for that in `sort`, the `-n` flag. It considers the numbers based on their numerical value. -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ git log --format='%an' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr 4 Alice 3 Denise 1 Candice 1 Bob -``` +{{< /highlight >}} The `-r` flag was also included to print the list in reverse order. By default it sorts it in the ascending order. And their you have it -- A list of authors

@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ because the actual image will be displayed on a GUI program). We can simply curl

or wget the url -- -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ wget -O - -q '' '{"kind": "Listing", "data": {"modhash": "xyloiccqgm649f320569f4efb427cdcbd89e68aeceeda8fe1a", "dist": 27, "children":

@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ More lines

... ... -``` +{{< /highlight >}} I use wget here because it seems like the Curl User-Agent gets treated differently. Obviously, you can get around this by simply changing the

@@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ it's man page.

If you take a look at the response JSON, it looks something like this: -```json +{{< highlight json >}} { "kind": "Listing", "data": {

@@ -160,14 +162,14 @@ "after": "t3_gi892x",

"before": null } } -``` +{{< /highlight >}} So here we have some response of the type "Listing" and we can see we have an array of "children". Each element of that array is a post. This is what one of the elements of the 'children' array looks like: -```json +{{< highlight json >}} { "kind": "t3", "data": {

@@ -199,7 +201,7 @@ "more lines skipped"

".................." } } -``` +{{< /highlight >}} I have reduced the number of key value pairs in `data`. In total there were 105 items. As you can see there are many interesting data attributes you can fetch

@@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ `url` field is the url to the meme's image.

We can simply get the list of of all the urls of of every post using: -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ wget -O - -q | jq '.data.children[] |.data.url' ""

@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ ""

"" ... ... -``` +{{< /highlight >}} Ignore the first two links, those are basically sticky posts that the mods put, whose 'url' is same as the 'permalink'.

@@ -248,16 +250,16 @@ > the standard input are ignored

So running something like: -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ echo "" | xargs wget -O meme.jpg -q -``` +{{< /highlight >}} would be equavalent to running: -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ wget -O meme.jpg -q "" -``` +{{< /highlight >}} Now, we can just pass the list of URLs to an image viewer, like [`feh`]( or

@@ -265,10 +267,10 @@ [`eog`](

that accept a URL as a valid argument. -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ wget -O - -q | jq '.data.children[] |.data.url' | xargs feh -``` +{{< /highlight >}} Now, feh pops up with the memes and I can just browse through them using the arrow keys like they were on my local disk.

@@ -283,10 +285,10 @@ **setting the wallpaper** of your desktop to the top upvoted image of

[/r/earthporn]( from the "hot" section. -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ wget -O - -q | jq '.data.children[] |.data.url' | head -1 | xargs feh --bg-fill -``` +{{< /highlight >}} You can then, if you want, set this up as a cron-job that runs every hour or so. I use the `head` command here to just print the first line, which would be

@@ -310,7 +312,7 @@ lists. You can also find lists made by other users. For example - [Blow Your

Mind Movies]( If you append `/export` to the url you get the list in a `.csv` format. -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ curl Position,Const,Created,Modified,Description,Title,URL,Title Type,IMDb Rating,Runtime (mins),Year,Genres,Num Votes,Release Date,Directors

@@ -322,11 +324,11 @@ 5,tt0144084,2018-01-16,2018-01-16,,American Psycho,,movie,7.6,101,2000,"Comedy, Crime, Drama",462984,2000-01-21,Mary Harron

6,tt0364569,2018-01-16,2018-01-16,,Oldeuboi,,movie,8.4,120,2003,"Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller",491476,2003-11-21,Chan-wook Park 7,tt1130884,2018-10-08,2018-10-08,,Shutter Island,,movie,8.1,138,2010,"Mystery, Thriller",1075524,2010-02-13,Martin Scorsese 8,tt8772262,2019-12-27,2019-12-27,,Midsommar,,movie,7.1,148,2019,"Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller",150798,2019-06-24,Ari Aster -``` +{{< /highlight >}} We can use `cut` to decide what fields we need to print: -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ curl | cut -d ',' -f 6 Title

@@ -338,7 +340,7 @@ American Psycho

Oldeuboi Shutter Island Midsommar -``` +{{< /highlight >}} The `-d` option is to specify the delimiter for each field. What are the fields separated with? In this case it's a comma (`,`). The `-f` option is the field

@@ -349,7 +351,7 @@

We can then pipe the list of movies into `shuf`. Shuf just shuffles it's input lines randomly and spits it out. -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ curl | cut -d ',' -f 6 | sed '1 d' | shuf American Psycho

@@ -360,41 +362,41 @@ Fight Club

Memento Shutter Island The Prestige -``` +{{< /highlight >}} Now just pipe it into `head -1` or `sed '1 q'` which would print only the first line. Every time you run this, you should get a random selection. -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ curl | cut -d ',' -f 6 | sed '1 d' | shuf | head -1 Source Code -``` +{{< /highlight >}} Now let's say you would also like the URL to be printed along with title, no problem, `cut` allows you to specify multiple fields to print using `--field=LIST` -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ curl | cut -d ',' --field=6,7 | sed '1 d' | shuf | head -1 Shutter Island, -``` +{{< /highlight >}} There is a problem with this though, if the Movie title has a comma in it, then you would get a totally different field value. One way to overcome this is by using a python one-liner like this: -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} python -c 'import csv,sys;[print (a["Title"]) for a in csv.DictReader(sys.stdin)]' -``` +{{< /highlight >}} -```bash +{{< highlight bash >}} $ curl -s |\ python -c 'import csv,sys;[print (a["Title"],a["URL"]) for a in csv.DictReader(sys.stdin)]'|\ shuf | head -1 Oldeuboi -``` +{{< /highlight >}} These were just a few examples, there are so many things you can accomplish in a single line of shell using pipes.