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linux dotfiles

update scripts/pd

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Thu, 24 May 2018 14:26:12 +0530




1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

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M scripts/pdscripts/pd

@@ -35,8 +35,19 @@ # 'pd_path' : The path to the pd file

# 'rclone_dir' ; The direrctory of the pd file on the 'remote' # in this case the 'remote' is 'drop:' # +# NOTE : # Make sure there already exists a symmetrically encrypted AES file # in 'pd_path' and also in 'rclone_dir' +# +# To symmetrically encrypt an empty file run: +# `touch empty ; gpg2 --passphrase <secret> --batch -o pd -c empty` +# this should create an symmetrically encrypted AES file named 'pd' with +# the passphrase <secret> +# This is not the most secure thing in the world I don't even intend it +# to be. So anyways, the <secret> has to be saved as .pdkey in your home +# directory or elsewhere ( if you're saving it elsewhere, then change +# the 'key_path' variable accordingly + import os import datetime