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#!/bin/bash # # This is a script to update a Netlify subdomain A record with the current external IP. # The example below would update the A record to the current external IP with a TTL of 5 minutes. # # Usage: # <ACCESS_TOKEN> <DOMAIN> <SUBDOMAIN> <TTL> # # Example: # aCcEsStOKeN local 300 # # if [ "$#" -ne 4 ]; then # echo "Wrong number of parameters passed" # echo "Usage:" # echo "$0 <ACCESS_TOKEN> <DOMAIN> <SUBDOMAIN> <TTL>" # exit # fi # ACCESS_TOKEN="$1" # DOMAIN="$2" # SUBDOMAIN="$3" # TTL="$4" ACCESS_TOKEN="$NETLIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN" DOMAIN="" SUBDOMAIN="$SUBDOMAIN_" TTL="300" NETLIFY_API="" EXTERNAL_IP=`dig +short` echo "Current external IP is $EXTERNAL_IP" HOSTNAME="$SUBDOMAIN.$DOMAIN" DNS_ZONES_RESPONSE=`curl -s "$NETLIFY_API/dns_zones?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type:application/json"` ZONE_ID=`echo $DNS_ZONES_RESPONSE | jq ".[] | select(.name == \"$DOMAIN\") | .id" --raw-output` DNS_RECORDS_RESPONSE=`curl -s "$NETLIFY_API/dns_zones/$ZONE_ID/dns_records?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type:application/json"` RECORD=`echo $DNS_RECORDS_RESPONSE | jq ".[] | select(.hostname == \"$HOSTNAME\")" --raw-output` RECORD_VALUE=`echo $RECORD | jq ".value" --raw-output` echo "Current $HOSTNAME value is $RECORD_VALUE" if [[ "$RECORD_VALUE" != "$EXTERNAL_IP" ]]; then if [[ "$RECORD_VALUE" != "" ]]; then echo "Deleting current entry for $HOSTNAME" RECORD_ID=`echo $RECORD | jq ".id" --raw-output` DELETE_RESPONSE_CODE=`curl -X DELETE -s -w "%{response_code}" "$NETLIFY_API/dns_zones/$ZONE_ID/dns_records/$RECORD_ID?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type:application/json"` if [[ $DELETE_RESPONSE_CODE != 204 ]]; then echo "There was a problem deleting the existing $HOSTNAME entry, response code was $DELETE_RESPONSE_CODE" exit fi fi echo "Creating new entry for $HOSTNAME with value $EXTERNAL_IP" CREATE_BODY=`jq -n --arg hostname "$HOSTNAME" --arg externalIp "$EXTERNAL_IP" --arg ttl $TTL ' { "type": "A", "hostname": $hostname, "value": $externalIp, "ttl": $ttl|tonumber }'` CREATE_RESPONSE=`curl -s --data "$CREATE_BODY" "$NETLIFY_API/dns_zones/$ZONE_ID/dns_records?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type:application/json"` NEW_RECORD_TYPE=`echo $CREATE_RESPONSE | jq ".type" --raw-output` NEW_RECORD_HOSTNAME=`echo $CREATE_RESPONSE | jq ".hostname" --raw-output` NEW_RECORD_VALUE=`echo $CREATE_RESPONSE | jq ".value" --raw-output` NEW_RECORD_TTL=`echo $CREATE_RESPONSE | jq ".ttl" --raw-output` if [[ $NEW_RECORD_TYPE != "A" ]] || [[ $NEW_RECORD_HOSTNAME != $HOSTNAME ]] || [[ $NEW_RECORD_VALUE != $EXTERNAL_IP ]] || [[ $NEW_RECORD_TTL != $TTL ]]; then echo "There was a problem creating the new entry, some values did not match" exit fi fi |