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# Wrote this to be able to take a selective-area screenshot for my note-taking
# workflow
# Screenshots are saved in the respective img/ directory of each 
# subject/course/book directory under ~/docs/notes/
# This is so that I can use those images in markdown while writing notes
# and compile them using pandoc. Useful to take screenshots of diagrams
# from book that I am reading.

#nip - Notes images paths for notes in ~/docs/notes
[[ -e $HOME/.config/nip ]] || exit 0
n_path=$(cat $HOME/.config/nip | dmenu -l 15)
[[ -z $n_path ]] && exit 0
img_name=$(echo -n '' | dmenu -p "image name")
[[ -z $img_name ]] && exit 0
scrot -s "$n_path/$img_name.png" && notify-send "saved $n_path/$img_name.png"