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My notes, written in md and LaTeX


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papersize: a4
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## Formal Notations of FSM
- FSM (DFSM) is a quintuple $(K, \Sigma, \delta, s, A)$\
  - *K* is a finite set of states
  - $\Sigma$ is the input alphabet
  - $s \in K$ is that start state
  - $A \subset K$ is thet set of accepting states
  - $\delta$ is the transition function that maps from $$K \times \Sigma
  \text{ to } \Sigma$$

- A **configuration** of DFSM is an element of $K \times \Sigma^\ast$.
  Think of it as a snapshot of $M$ at any given point. A configuration gives
  us two sets of information:\
  - The current state.
  - The input that is still left to read.\
  Example - $(q_0, \texttt{abbabab})$, $(q_1, \texttt{bbabab})$,
  $(q_2, \texttt{babab})$ ...

- The **initial configuration** of DFSM is $(s_M, w)$ where $s_M$ is the start
  state of *M* and *w* is the string to be read.

- The **transition function** $\delta$ defines the operation of a DFSM *M*
  one step at a time. Relation **yeilds-in-one-step** is written $|-_M$
  $\text{}_\text{}$. *Yeilds-in-one-step* relates $\text{configuration}_1$ to
  $\text{configuration}_2$ iff $\text{configuration}_1$ leads to
  $\text{configuration}_2$ in one step.
  $$(q_1, cw) |-_M (q_2, w) \text{ iff }((q1,c),q_2)\in\delta$$

- to be continued...

## Designing Deterministic Finite State Machines

- We need to think of what properties of the part of *w* that has been read so
  far has an effect on *M*. Those are the properties that *M* has to record
- Strings must "cluster" which means that multiple different strings drive M to
  the same state. They have the same property which makes them go to that
  state. **The smallest DFSM of any language is the one that has exactly one
  state for every group of initial substrings that share that common property**
- Complement of a language - "A language that doesn't have a specific
  substring, we can first design the FSM such that it accepts strings with that
  substring and then just swap the accepting and rejecting states.

## Nondeterministic FSMs
