--- title: reversing a firmware of security camera and squashfs date: 2020-04-30T21:50:00Z slug: reversing-a-firmware-of-security-camera-and-squashfs tags: - security - reverse engineering - firmware --- I saw a [cool video][1] by ghidra ninja on yt that went over firmware reversing for an a small security camera. He got the firmware from the site of the manufacturer and went over binwalk and showed how there's a linux filesystem on it in squashfs form. This was really amusing — the fact that there is a whole file system in a single binary. He then goes on to to see a rc script that runs on the device (this is after separating the filesystem and unsquashing it) and edits that code to include a reverse shell using nc. Some version of nc do not have the `-e` flag though and there's a workaround for that in the man page of nc itself. I find that kind of ironic. [1]: