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linux dotfiles

Update i3config,vimrc,define
Prithu Goswami
Fri, 30 Aug 2019 07:21:51 +0530




3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

jump to
M .vimrc.vimrc

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'

Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround' Plugin 'junegunn/goyo.vim' Plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary' +Plugin 'dracula/vim' call vundle#end() " Vundle stuff ends here

@@ -33,7 +34,9 @@

" compiling for different file types " autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap cm :w<Enter>:!pandoc -f gfm -V geometry=margin=0.75in --resource-path="expand('%:p:h')/img" -V links-as-notes -o %.pdf %<Enter><Enter> "autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap cm :w<Enter>:!pandoc -f markdown+raw_tex -V geometry=margin=0.75in -V papersize=A4 -o pdf/%.pdf %<Enter><Enter> -autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap cm :w<Enter>:!pandoc -H ./header -f markdown+raw_tex+raw_attribute -o pdf/%.pdf %<Enter><Enter> +" +" autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap cm :w<Enter>:!pandoc -H ./header -f markdown+raw_tex+raw_attribute -o pdf/%.pdf %<Enter><Enter> +autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap cm :w<Enter>:!pandoc -f markdown+raw_tex+raw_attribute -o pdf/%.pdf %<Enter><Enter> autocmd FileType tex nnoremap cm :w<Enter>:!pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode % 1&>/dev/null<Enter><Enter> autocmd FileType html setlocal ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 " autocmd FileType c nnoremap cp :w<Enter>:!clear && gcc % && ./a.out<Enter>
M bin/scripts/definebin/scripts/define

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

#!/usr/bin/bash -# usage $./define word +# usage $ ./define word # will return the meaning of the word in a json format URL=""$1"&lang=en"
M i3/configi3/config

@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ #}}}

## Window Criteria ##{{{ # Open specific applications in floating mode -for_window [title="JavaTest"] floating enable, position center +for_window [title="TMDb Desktop Client"] floating enable, position center for_window [title="Screen Layout Editor"] floating enable for_window [title="Application Finder"] floating enable, resize set 500 700, move position center for_window [class="TelegramDesktop"] floating enable border pixel 1

@@ -383,19 +383,19 @@ # these keybindings change the monitor position and then write to file the same command

# is used to set the the respective position of the monitor. That command is then executed at startup # sets the monitor to the top - bindsym t exec $monitor_top , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_top > ~/.screenlayout/last_layout , mode "default" + bindsym t exec $monitor_top , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_top > ~/.config/last_layout , mode "default" # sets monitor to the right - bindsym y exec $monitor_right , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_right > ~/.screenlayout/last_layout , mode "default" + bindsym y exec $monitor_right , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_right > ~/.config/last_layout , mode "default" # when there is no external monitor connected - bindsym g exec $monitor_none , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_none > ~/.screenlayout/last_layout , mode "default" + bindsym g exec $monitor_none , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_none > ~/.config/last_layout , mode "default" # duplicate the laptop screen to an external monitor - bindsym f exec $monitor_duplicate , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_duplicate > ~/.screenlayout/last_layout , mode "default" + bindsym f exec $monitor_duplicate , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_duplicate > ~/.config/last_layout , mode "default" # sets monitor to the left and rotates it to left - bindsym Ctrl+y exec --no-startup-id $monitor_right_r_left , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_right_r_left > ~/.screenlayout/last_layout , mode "default" + bindsym Ctrl+y exec --no-startup-id $monitor_right_r_left , exec $wall_set && sleep 0.01 , exec echo $monitor_right_r_left > ~/.config/last_layout , mode "default" bindsym Escape mode "default" bindsym Return mode "default"

@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ #exec --no-startup-id xautolock -time 10 -locker blurlock

exec_always --no-startup-id ff-theme-util exec_always --no-startup-id fix_xcursor # Configures the monitors according to the last set layout using xrandr -#exec --no-startup-id ~/.screenlayout/last_layout +exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/last_layout #exec_always --no-startup-id $wall_set # disable the trackpad #exec --no-startup-id toggle_touchpad