# hashtable ## Simple HashTable implementation Inserting Into the hastable can be done with: `HashTableInsert(<key>, <value>, <hashtable pointer>);` Accessing the hastable can be done with: `HashTableGet(<key>, <hashtable pointer>);` <br> EXAMPLE USAGE: ```c HashTable *ht = createHashTable(100); int rc = HashTableInsert("name", "Prithu", ht); if(rc) fprintf(stderr, "Cannot Insert the data into the Hashtable"); char *my_name = (char *)HashTableGet("name", ht); FILE *fp = fopen("my_file.txt", "r"); HashTableInsert("file", fp, ht); FILE *my_file = (FILE *)HashTableGet("file", ht); ```
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prithugoswami prithugoswami524@gmail.com
Thu, 07 Mar 2019 20:20:21 +0530
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prithugoswami prithugoswami524@gmail.com
Thu, 07 Mar 2019 20:19:05 +0530
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prithugoswami prithugoswami524@gmail.com
Thu, 07 Mar 2019 19:06:03 +0530
git clone https://git.prithu.dev/hashtable